Online science journal for high school students.
Explore your world.


Research Papers

Energy Efficient CNT Windmill Blades
Arora, Jasamarbir. American High School. 9/18/22.
This research article focus on using nanotubes to improve the functionality of wind turbines.

Comparative Analysis of using Principal Component Analysis (PCA) for optimizing Classification of Parkinson's Disease through Speech Analysis
Zou, Yaocheng. Mission San Jose High School. 11/12/22.
This article is about using AI to identify Parkinson's Disease.

Improving Music Genre Classification With Neural Networks
Diao, Joshua. Mission San Jose High School. 11/13/22.
This article's focus id on music genre classification.

The Applications of Fullerenes in Sunscreen, Foundation, and Other Cosmetics
Li, Jessica. American High School. 12/6/22.
This research article focus on using the allotropes of carbon in cosmetics.

AI and Art: Using Machine Learning to Combat AI Art Theft
Xiao, Yunjiao. Mission San Jose High School. 4/12/23.
This research article focus on AI and Art.

Machine Learning Image
Classification and Detection in
Industrial Settings

Zhang, Rui (Derek). Irvington High School. 2/26/24.
This research article focus on Classification and Detection in
Industrial Settings

Heart Disease Prediction AI Research Project
Wang , Alice. Mission San High School. 9/18/24.
This research article focus on AI prediction for heart diseases.

A Stock Market AI Based Predicting Tool
Wang , Christopher. Mission San High School. 10/05/24.
This research article focus on using AI models to help predict stock market prices.

Review Papers

Machine Learning History and Use in Life
Meng,Shengtianyi. Maranatha Christian Schools, CA,San Diego 07/31/23.
This review article focuses on Machine Learning History and Use in Life.

A Historical Review of the Evolution of Machine Learning
Chen,Leon. Mission San Jose High School, CA, Fremont 08/7/23.
This review article focuses on Machine Learning's history.

A Brief History of Machine Learning
Tang, Edwin. Valley Christian High School, CA, San Jose 09/16/23.
This review article focuses the major points in the history of machine learning, including the invention of ideas of neural networks, cell assembly theory, and Samuel’s checkers bot.


Only research articles that meet the following criteria will be published.


Authors must be in grade 9 or higher. Multiple authors are allowed for one work. Articles must be original and plagarism of any kind is not allowed. Students must cite all sources in APA format.


Articles should focus on humanitarian, Stem, Computer Science, or environmental topics. Students should seek to benefit others and their community through their works.
Our reviewers:

  • Mingzhe Lu, Principal Engineer at Cisco

  • Ying Wang, Senior Machine Learning Engineer at Apple

  • Da Yong Huang, Senior Engineer at Yahoo

  • Dr. Xia, Canada's Nanotechnology Research Centre


The application fee is $50 per article, non-refundable. All proceeds will be donated to Sparkhub Foundation to fund future initiatives. You will be notified between 24-48 hours once we receive your application. Within 3-5 weeks, you will be notified of whether your paper will be accepted, rejected, or whether it requires revision for resubmission.

Research Papers

Essays in which students record their observations and findings after exploring a topic to the best of their ability.

Review Papers

Reports that are based on other published articles

Research Papers

Please follow the format provided below for all research papers.

  • Title page. Include the title of the article, the names of student contributors in alphabetical order, and corresponding grade level(s).

  • Table of Contents. List all parts of the experiment.

  • Abstract. Summarize the experiment, explain the conclusion, and include possible applications.

  • Introduction. Provide background information on the topic and existing existing ideas and innovations.

  • Discovery of topic. Provide the reason or source of inspiration for choosing the topic.

  • Thought process of solution. Explain how natural phenomena inspired the article.

  • Inspirations from nature (optional). Explain how a specific natural phenomenon inspired the article.

  • Procedure. List all steps taken to complete the project.

  • Solution. Explain the solution reached through the project.

  • Conclusion. Provide the closing remarks of your article.

  • Reference page. List out all sources used in the bibliography and cite correctly in APA format.

Review Papers

Please follow the format provided below for all lab reports.

  • Title page. Include the title of the article, the names of student contributors in alphabetical order, and corresponding grade level(s).

  • Table of Contents. List all parts of the experiment.

  • Abstract. List all parts of the paper.

  • Body Provide background information on the topic and existing existing ideas.

  • Conclusion. Summarize the project and provide potential areas of improvement or human error.

  • Reference page. List out all sources used in the bibliography and cite correctly in APA format.

About Us

Sparking Innovation is the property of student-led non-profit organization
Sparkhub Foundation. Our goal is to give back to our community while
simultaneously providing high school students with opportunities to
demonstrate their passion and leadership. Please visit our main website to
view our other projects.